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Life on the edge of the galaxy: the crab-fighting herdsmen of Hyperborea.

This is the cover of the paperback version of Asterion. Thanks to my son Cameron for his cover art and design!

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This painting, by Rudolph F. Zallinger, appears in The Epic of Man (Editors of Life,1961). It provided inspiration for Narkissa's bull-leaping scene in Asterion.

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Nora at the Kloklok Falls, in the Deep Thermal Valley (Hyperborea: Journey to Erebus).


In the depths of the volcano Erebus, Nora finds a vast museum of Earth artifacts, collected and maintained by the secretive Klokot race. (Hyperborea: Journey to Erebus)

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A hundred thousand light-years across the galaxy, an Earth colony maintains a precarious existence. Every summer, herders must conduct an indigenous food-producing species, the blumps, to new pastures on the frozen landscape, protecting them from attacks by the predatory crabs.

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The fleet of Minos & Ariadne off the coast of Aperopia. (Asterion)


First Love: Ouranos & Ge

March 2023

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Selene & Endymion

March 2023

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