Christopher Nissen
Works of fiction
Hyperborea: Journey to Erebus (2021)
Hyperborea: Migrations (2021)
Asterion: A Tale of the Monster of Crete (2020)
Haven of Dust (2020)
Harlots of Jericho (2019)
Life on the edge of the galaxy: the crab-fighting herdsmen of Hyperborea.
This is the cover of the paperback version of Asterion. Thanks to my son Cameron for his cover art and design!
This painting, by Rudolph F. Zallinger, appears in The Epic of Man (Editors of Life,1961). It provided inspiration for Narkissa's bull-leaping scene in Asterion.
Nora at the Kloklok Falls, in the Deep Thermal Valley (Hyperborea: Journey to Erebus).
In the depths of the volcano Erebus, Nora finds a vast museum of Earth artifacts, collected and maintained by the secretive Klokot race. (Hyperborea: Journey to Erebus)
A hundred thousand light-years across the galaxy, an Earth colony maintains a precarious existence. Every summer, herders must conduct an indigenous food-producing species, the blumps, to new pastures on the frozen landscape, protecting them from attacks by the predatory crabs.
The fleet of Minos & Ariadne off the coast of Aperopia. (Asterion)
First Love: Ouranos & Ge
March 2023
Selene & Endymion
March 2023